The St Joan d Arc Emerald Medallion honors the spouse who goes above and beyond all others during her Soldier’s career. The Association staff will review the nominations for completeness and forward to the approving authorities, the Army Armor School Commandant and Command Sergeant Major. They will assess the nomination on its merit and not against other nominees. The nominator must demonstrate the candidate's service contributed significantly to the overall improvement, well-being, or quality of life for members of their community. The St Joan emerald is not a PCS award but a service award over the period of their soldier's career. The intent is to recognize service over an extended period of a career.
The nominee must have
(1) Contributed to the military community in which their soldier served. Service must exemplify the spirit of and tradition of St Joan D’ Arc.
(2) Not been monetarily compensated to accomplish the specified service or performed the service as part of their employment.
(3) Voluntarily contributed their time and service.
(4) Received the St Joan of Arc medallion.
The appropriate brigade/colonel-level or higher commander or activity director should forward the completed nomination packet to the U.S. Cavalry and Armor Association. Due to the unpredictability of the Chief of Armor and Command Sergeant Major travel, it is highly recommended to submit nomination packets six (6) weeks before scheduled presentation date.